Natural Health

10 Simple Steps to Detox Your Body and Boost Your Energy

strawberry detox salad

Are you feeling bloated, fatigued, or just plain “off”? It’s normal to feel that way once in a while, but what can you do if you feel this way all the time?

Today, we’re diving into a topic that’s often overlooked but is super important for your overall health—intestinal waste buildup.

Yep, we’re getting into the nitty-gritty of what happens when our digestive system isn’t as clean as it should be and how a body cleanse and detox can be a real game-changer to help you feel well again.

We’ll also share our top recommended cleansing program.

The Lowdown on Intestinal Waste

First off, let’s break down what we mean by intestinal waste.

Our bodies are incredibly designed machines, breaking down the food we eat into nutrients and expelling the waste.

However, sometimes things don’t move along as smoothly as they should. Think bloating, gas, constipation, diarrhea, or even hemorrhoids.

woman with bloating and intestinal waste buildup

When waste hangs around in our intestines, it can start causing real problems.

Think of it like this: if you leave garbage in your house for too long, it starts to stink and attract pests.

In the same way, when waste builds up in our intestines, it can create a toxic environment that affects our entire body and overall health.

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Why Buildup Happens

There are a few reasons why waste might build up in your intestines.

For one, a diet high in processed foods and low in fiber is a major culprit.

Without enough fiber, our digestive system struggles to move things along.

And with all the toxins in our food and water, toxic chemicals can build up in our body, further messing with our digestion and causing headaches, fatigue, and even diseases like diabetes and cancer.

Dehydration is another big cause of intestinal waste buildup.

Water is essential for digestion, and without it, waste can become hard and difficult to pass.

Stress and lack of exercise can also slow down digestion, leading to buildup.

The Health Impacts

So, what’s the big deal about a little buildup? Can intestinal waste really cause serious health problems?

Well, it’s more than just some constipation, weight gain, and an uncomfortable bloat.

Intestinal waste buildup can lead to a host of health issues. Here’s a quick rundown:

  1. Toxin Reabsorption: When waste sits too long in your intestines, toxins can start to re-enter your bloodstream (this is known as “leaky gut syndrome.” This can overload your liver and kidneys, making it harder for your body to detoxify itself.
  2. Inflammation: Chronic constipation and waste buildup can cause inflammation in the intestines. This can lead to conditions like diverticulitis and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).
  3. Weakened Immune System: A large part of our immune system is located in our gut. When our intestines are clogged with waste, it can compromise our immune function, making us more susceptible to illness—and even serious diseases like cancer and diabetes.
  4. Nutrient Absorption Issues: If your intestines are full of waste, they can’t absorb nutrients from your food effectively. This can lead to deficiencies and a general feeling of sluggishness.
  5. Weight Gain: Over time, intestinal waste buildup can lead to weight gain, particularly around the belly, but also making the rest of your body puffy as well.

Keep reading for more tips and our #1 recommendation for the best cleansing program.

Time for a Cleanse

woman feeling better after doing detox

First, let’s talk about a natural, holistic approach to cleansing.

Our bodies are designed to detoxify themselves, but sometimes they need a little help to keep things running smoothly.

Here are 10 gentle, natural ways to give your system a boost.

Hydration is Key

Water is your best friend when it comes to detoxing.

Aim for at least 8 good-sized glasses of clean water a day, and more during warm weather or when indoor heating is blowing.

A countertop reverse osmosis water filter is recommended for removing toxins like pesticides and heavy metals from your drinking water.

Herbal teas, like chamomile, dandelion or ginger, can also help support your digestive system and liver.

Having a daily cup of detox tea is a great idea to clear toxins from your colon.

Fiber-Rich Foods

Load up on fiber-rich foods like fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and legumes.

Flaxseeds can be a great addition to your diet, but chia seeds may be even better for fiber and nutritional benefit.

Fiber helps to bulk up stool and promote regular bowel movements.

We strongly recommend only eating organic foods as these are not treated with toxic herbicides and pesticides that are linked to many health problems.


Healthy gut bacteria are crucial for digestion and detoxification.

Probiotics can help restore the balance of good bacteria in your gut.

You can get them from fermented foods like yogurt, sauerkraut, and kimchi.

But taking a high-quality probiotic supplement is one of the easiest ways to get good bacteria into your body.

Regular Exercise

Physical activity helps to stimulate digestion and keep things moving.

exercise for body detox

Aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate exercise most days of the week. Even a brisk walk can make a big difference.

Stress Management

Chronic stress can wreak havoc on your digestive system.

Incorporate stress-reducing practices into your daily routine, such as prayerful meditation, breathing exercises, or gentle stretching and massage.

Herbal Supplements

Certain herbs like milk thistle, aloe vera, and psyllium husk can support your body’s natural detox processes.

But it’s best to work under the guidance of an expert who can provided you with a program for the best diet and detox supplements (more on this down below).

Eat Antioxidant-Rich Foods

Foods high in antioxidants can help reduce inflammation and support your body’s natural detox processes.

Include berries, nuts, dark leafy greens, and colorful vegetables in your diet.

Adding a good superfood powder to smoothies is a great way to add nutrition and fiber to boost colon health.

These foods help combat oxidative stress and support overall health.

Limit Processed Foods and Sugar

Processed foods and high-sugar diets can contribute to toxin buildup in the body.

Reducing your intake of these foods can help your digestive system function more efficiently.

Focus on whole, unprocessed whole grains and probiotic-rich foods to nourish your body and promote detoxification.

Get Adequate Sleep

Sleep is crucial for your body’s natural detoxification process.

Aim for 7-9 hours of quality sleep each night to support your overall health and well-being.

Poor sleep can disrupt your digestive system and impair your body’s ability to cleanse itself.

Taking a sleep supplement for occasional sleep support can really help with getting a good night’s sleep.

Dry Brushing and Sweating

Using a dry brush on your skin can help stimulate the lymphatic system and promote detoxification through the skin.

Additionally, activities that induce sweating, like home saunas or exercise, can help your body expel toxins through sweat.

All of these practices can support your overall detox regimen.

In a little bit, we’ll share about a self-help body cleanse and detox program to get you back on the path of healthy digestion.

A Gentle Reminder

smiling woman feeling better after an intestinal detox

Remember, a holistic approach to health isn’t about quick fixes!

It’s about making sustainable lifestyle changes that support your body’s natural functions.

Be patient with yourself and listen to your body.

Everyone is different, and what works for one person might not work for another.

Our Recommended Cleansing Program

Intestinal waste buildup can have a significant impact on your health.

Unless you take urgent action to clean out and heal your gut, you’ll continue to feel tired, sluggish and have digestive problems.

And weight gain is almost always a sign of an unhealthy digestion.

Now we’d like to share with you about the only self-help body cleanse and detox program that incorporates a detox diet, herbal nutrition and bodywork therapies to elevate your health.

The reason most people fail at improving their health or losing weight has nothing to do with willpower, discipline, overeating, or dieting!

The reason many are bloated and unhealthy is because they are so full of harmful intestinal waste buildup. But you can regain control today!

The Core Cleanse Elite Program is your personal program with training, nutritional guides, recipes, and more to guide your detox plan.

You get a personalized 28-day cleanse and detoxification that’s good for your entire body.

It is possible to unblock years of accumulated intestinal waste and start feeling well again!

With a few targeted natural and holistic changes, you can support your body’s natural detoxification process. 🌟