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5 Fruits That are Good for Diabetes

large plate filled with fruit that are good for diabetes

Today we’ve got a juicy topic to discuss that affects so many people!

We’re going to talk about some delicious fruits that not only taste great but can also be super helpful for people with diabetes.

Stick around to the very end to find out about an all-natural way to support healthy glucose metabolism!

Insulin and Blood Sugar

Let’s start off with a quick rundown on diabetes. It’s a condition where your body either doesn’t make enough insulin or just can’t use it properly.

Think of insulin as the key that unlocks your cells, allowing sugar molecules to enter in.

Too little insulin (or your cells inability to use it) leads to increasingly high blood sugar levels, which is the hallmark of diabetes.

When it comes to managing diabetes, what you eat really does play a very important role in managing your blood sugar levels.

Best Fruits for Diabetes

So today we’re here to help you find some smart fruit choices that can actually be good for diabetes.

What’s most important is picking fruits with a low glycemic index.

The glycemic index tells you how fast a food raises your blood sugar levels.

Low glycemic fruits are digested more slowly.

This means they cause a more gradual increase in blood sugar, which is perfect for people with diabetes.

Now let’s get to the juicy stuff—our top 5 fruits for diabetes-friendly snacking!


diabetic woman eating a bowl of berries

Number one is berries!

Strawberries, blueberries, raspberries and blackberries are all loaded with antioxidants, vitamins and fiber.

Plus they’re not too sweet and their low glycemic score makes them a winner for blood sugar.


Next up is apples.

These crunchy delights are packed with fiber that helps keep your blood sugar steady.

Remember the old saying “an apple a day keeps the doctor away”?

Well there just might be some truth to that statement!


Now let’s talk about cherries.

Not only do cherries taste amazing—they also have natural substances that can help your body produce more insulin and reduce insulin resistance.

But as with any fruit, don’t go overboard with eating too much at one time!


diabetic woman slicing oranges

Now who doesn’t love a sweet and juicy orange?

Oranges are a fantastic source of vitamin C, antioxidants and fiber.

Despite being sweet, eating a small orange won’t cause crazy spikes in your blood sugar levels.


Last but not least are avocados.

Yes, avocados are technically fruits and they’re total diabetes rock stars!

Low in carbs and high in healthy fats, avocados won’t mess with your blood sugar.

Plus they’re packed with the healthy minerals of potassium and magnesium so they’re just plain awesome!

How to Eat Fruit to Minimize Blood Sugar Spikes

If you’re looking to enjoy fruit without spiking your blood sugar levels, here are a few tips to keep in mind:

  1. Try pairing your fruit with some protein or healthy fats, like adding nut butter to apple slices or having some cheese with your berries.
  2. Portion control is key. So stick to smaller servings of fruit to avoid overloading on these natural sugars.
  3. Eating fruit as part of a balanced meal with veggies, protein, and healthy fats can help slow down the absorption of the fruit sugar.
  4. Eat whole fruits rather than drinking fruit juices. That’s because the fiber and nutrients in whole fruits help manage blood sugar levels better. Drinking fruit juice can cause rapid increases in blood sugar levels.

How to Support Healthy Glucose Metabolism

So to wrap it all up, including these healthy fruits in your diet can help you manage your blood sugar levels and keep you feeling great.

But don’t overdo it! Moderation is key.

And be sure to check out this unlikely formula that balances blood sugar levels, melts off the pounds, and restores youthful energy and zest for life.