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Natural Remedies for Monkeypox: What You Need to Know

natural monkeypox remedies

If you’ve been following the news, you’ve heard about the recent outbreaks of monkeypox (mpox). The World Health Organization declared mpox a global emergency on August 14, 2024.

While it’s primarily been a concern in Africa, monkeypox has now caught the attention of much of the world. Many people are looking for ways to protect themselves and manage symptoms if they contract what can be a pretty bad and even deadly disease.

Today we’ll be taking a look at some natural remedies and supplements that could potentially help in the fight against monkeypox.

We’ll discuss the science behind these top remedies, including resveratrol, Sarracenia purpurea, Panax ginseng, and a few other supplements that may help. So, let’s dive right in! 🌱

Important note: The information on this website has not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration or any other medical body. We do not aim to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any illness or disease. Information is shared for educational purposes only. You should always consult your doctor before acting on any content on this website, especially if you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication or have a medical condition.

What Is Monkeypox? 🐵

Before we explore natural treatments, let’s take a look at what monkeypox is.

At the basic level, monkeypox is a viral disease similar to smallpox but generally less severe. It’s characterized by flu-like symptoms followed by a rash that turns into fluid-filled lesions.

The disease is typically self-limiting, meaning it resolves on its own, but it can be severe or even deadly in some cases, particularly for those with weakened immune systems.

According to news reports, mpox has been detected in at least 13 countries with hundreds of deaths. The death rate has been reported to be around 3 to 4%, although other reports have indicated a mortality rate up to 10%.

Monkeypox is most commonly spread through contact with respiratory secretions, such as saliva and mucus, from an infected person. However, some cases have also been caused by sexual contact.

Was monkeypox created in a lab?

It is not clear if the current monkeyprox strain was bioengineered in a lab, but some believe that monkeypox was lab engineered.

The virus is closely related to the human smallpox virus, and it’s possible that scientists created monkeypox in a lab in an attempt to create a more deadly version of the virus.

Scientists in a U.S. government lab are working on adding genes to a monkeypox virus strain to make it more dangerous.

It’s also true that the Nuclear Threat Initiative conducted a “tabletop exercise” in March 2021 based on a hypothetical scenario where a manmade highly lethal strain of monkeypox was to have emerged in May 2022, which is when one recent outbreak actually occurred.

In this tabletop exercise, more than three billion cases were expected to occur and 270 million people were estimated to eventually die worldwide.

Why Consider Natural Monkeypox Treatments?

While vaccines and antiviral medications are available, they’re not always proven effective or accessible, especially in regions hit hardest by the outbreaks.

Natural remedies may be able to offer supportive care, boosting the immune system and potentially helping to manage the unpleasant symptoms.

As always, you should consult a qualified healthcare practitioner if you have, or suspect you have, a medical condition needing treatment.

Top Natural Remedies for Monkeypox 🌿

So now that we’ve covered what monkeypox is, let’s take a quick look at some natural substances that may have benefit in fighting this virus.

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Resveratrol: The Antioxidant Powerhouse 🍇

First up on our list is resveratrol, a powerful antioxidant found in the skin of red grapes, blueberries, and some other fruits.

Resveratrol is well-known for its anti-inflammatory properties, which might offer some benefits in managing monkeypox.

How Does Resveratrol Work?

Resveratrol has been studied for its ability to inhibit the replication of certain viruses, including those similar to the monkeypox virus.

It works by interfering with the virus’s ability to multiply and spread, which could potentially reduce the severity and duration of the illness.

Dosage and Use: While there’s no specific dosage for monkeypox, look for a high-quality, high-potency resveratrol supplement in the range of 500-1000 mg per day.

Sarracenia Purpurea: The Pitcher Plant’s Potential 🌾

Next, let’s talk about Sarracenia purpurea, also known as the purple pitcher plant.

This intriguing plant has been used in traditional medicine for centuries, particularly by Native American tribes, and it’s gaining interest for its potential antiviral properties.

Sarracenia Purpurea and Smallpox: A Historical Perspective

Interestingly, Sarracenia purpurea was used historically to treat smallpox, a close relative of monkeypox. Some believe that its ability to disrupt viral replication could apply to monkeypox as well, though more research is needed to confirm this.

How to Use It: The pitcher plant is usually available in tincture or extract form. It’s often used topically but some people use it internally as well. While dosing guidelines vary, starting with a low dose and gradually increasing it under the guidance of a herbalist or healthcare provider is recommended.

Panax Ginseng: The Immune Booster 🌱

Panax ginseng is a well-known adaptogen that has been used in traditional medicine for thousands of years. It’s revered for its ability to boost the immune system, reduce inflammation, and improve overall vitality.

Panax Ginseng and Viral Infections

Studies have shown that Panax ginseng can enhance the body’s immune response, making it more effective at fighting off infections, including viruses.

This immune-boosting property could be particularly beneficial in the early stages of a monkeypox infection, helping the body mount a stronger defense.

Dosage: Standard dosages for Panax ginseng range from 500-1000 mg per day. However, it’s recommended to take breaks from ginseng after a few weeks of use to prevent potential side effects, such as insomnia or jitteriness.

Herbal Formulas for Lymphatic Support 🌿

Lymphatic support is crucial when dealing with viral infections like monkeypox. The lymphatic system plays a key role in detoxification and immune function, helping to clear out the virus and reduce the infectious burden on the body.

What Are Lymphatic Herbs?

Herbs like elderberry, echinacea, and plantain are commonly used to support the lymphatic system. These herbs help stimulate lymphatic drainage, reduce inflammation, and enhance immune function.

How to Use Lymphatic Herbs: These herbs can be taken individually or in a combination formula. They are often found in tinctures, teas, or capsules. As with any herbal remedy, start with a lower dose and monitor how your body responds.

Other Promising Supplements and Remedies

In addition to the above, there are some other natural remedies that might offer support during a monkeypox infection:

1. Vitamin D: The Sunshine Vitamin ☀️

Vitamin D is essential for immune function, and there’s growing evidence that it can help protect against viral infections. Ensuring adequate vitamin D levels might reduce the severity of monkeypox symptoms.

Dosage: Aim for 2,000-5,000 IU of vitamin D per day, depending on your current levels and sun exposure.

2. Zinc: The Immune Modulator 🥜

Zinc is another critical nutrient for immune health. It helps the body fight off viral infections by inhibiting the replication of viruses and supporting the production of immune cells.

Dosage: 15-30 mg of zinc per day is a common dosage. It’s generally best not to exceed 50 mg daily unless under the supervision of a healthcare provider, as too much zinc can sometimes lead to adverse effects.

3. Elderberry: The Cold and Flu Fighter 🍇

Elderberry has long been used as a remedy for colds and flu, thanks to its antiviral properties. While research on elderberry and monkeypox is limited, its ability to boost the immune system and reduce viral load makes it a candidate for supportive care.

How to Use: Elderberry is available in syrups and gummies but is easiest to take as capsules. Follow the dosage instructions on the product, and use it at the first sign of symptoms.

Final Thoughts on Natural Monkeypox Remedies: Stay Informed, Stay Safe 🛡️

Several natural remedies show promise as an alternative treatment for monkeypox.

The world of natural medicine offers a wealth of options for supporting your health, but it’s crucial to approach it with a balanced and informed perspective. Stay safe, stay healthy, and keep exploring the best ways to protect yourself and your loved ones. 💚